Ellie Bean the Drama Queen: A Children's Book about Sensory Processing Disorder


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Ellie Bean the Drama Queen is an insightful picture book that helps children with sensory issues, and the adults around them, understand what they are going through. Sometimes Ellie Bean seems like she is being difficult, when she realy has a sensory issue that can be overcome quite easily! ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jennie Harding is the mother of two, one of whom is "Ellie Bean" who has Sensory Processing Disorder. In addition to being a mom, Jennie is also a special education teacher, working with children of all ability levels. Pages: 48 Age range: 5 - 8 Years

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Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 9 × 1 in


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Ellie Bean the Drama Queen is an insightful picture book that helps children with sensory issues, and the adults around them, understand what they are going through. Sometimes Ellie Bean seems like she is being difficult, when she realy has a sensory issue that can be overcome quite easily! ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jennie Harding is the mother of two, one of whom is "Ellie Bean" who has Sensory Processing Disorder. In addition to being a mom, Jennie is also a special education teacher, working with children of all ability levels. Pages: 48 Age range: 5 - 8 Years

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Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 9 × 1 in

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