Social Skills Activities for Special Children: Grades K-5


Ready-to-use program helps special students in grades K-5 learn appropriate ways to behave among others. Ready-to-use lessons—reproducible worksheets to help children with acceptable social behavior & developing proficiency in basic social skills. [REV ED]

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A flexible, ready-to-use program to help special students in grades K-5 learn appropriate ways to behave among others.

The revised and updated second edition of this bestselling resource book provides ready-to-use lessons—complete with reproducible worksheets—to help children become aware of acceptable social behavior and develop proficiency in acquiring basic social skills.

The book is organized around three core areas crucial to social development in the primary grades: Accepting Rules and Authority at School, Relating to Peers, and Developing Positive Social Skills. Each lesson places a specific skill within the context of real-life situations, giving teachers a means to guide students to think about why the social skill is important. The hands-on activity that accompanies each lesson helps students to work through, think about, discuss, and practice the skill in or outside of the classroom.

About the Author: Darlene Mannix has taught both general education and special education. She has worked with students ranging from learning disabled and mentally challenged to language disordered and severely emotionally disturbed. Mannix is the best-selling author of numerous books for special educators including Life Skills Activities for Special Children, Writing Skills Activities for Special Children, and Character Building Activities for Kids, all from Jossey-Bass.

464 Pages 2ND Edition

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Weight 2.5 lbs
Dimensions 1 × 8 × 11 in


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A flexible, ready-to-use program to help special students in grades K-5 learn appropriate ways to behave among others.

The revised and updated second edition of this bestselling resource book provides ready-to-use lessons—complete with reproducible worksheets—to help children become aware of acceptable social behavior and develop proficiency in acquiring basic social skills.

The book is organized around three core areas crucial to social development in the primary grades: Accepting Rules and Authority at School, Relating to Peers, and Developing Positive Social Skills. Each lesson places a specific skill within the context of real-life situations, giving teachers a means to guide students to think about why the social skill is important. The hands-on activity that accompanies each lesson helps students to work through, think about, discuss, and practice the skill in or outside of the classroom.

About the Author: Darlene Mannix has taught both general education and special education. She has worked with students ranging from learning disabled and mentally challenged to language disordered and severely emotionally disturbed. Mannix is the best-selling author of numerous books for special educators including Life Skills Activities for Special Children, Writing Skills Activities for Special Children, and Character Building Activities for Kids, all from Jossey-Bass.

464 Pages 2ND Edition

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Weight 2.5 lbs
Dimensions 1 × 8 × 11 in

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