Addictively tactile, surprisingly expressive and invitingly playful...
Oogi Bongo is a unique new character in the oogi universe. It is designed to inspire fantastic stories and come alive in the hands of children. The tactile, elastic material and different suction cup sizes invite kids to experiment and play using their imagination and all their senses. The bathtub is one of the places where both oogi Bongo feels right at home, but it has also been spotted playing on car windows, fridges or on a parent's desk.
• Fidget
• Can be used to assist with expressing emotions
• Useful speech therapy tool
• Develops hand-eye coordination, creativity and imagination
• Silly, amusing, engaging fun.
• Oogi bongo glow in the dark is hours of imaginative play.
• Made of food-grade silicone rubber, oogi bongo has suction cup hands and feet that easily stick to each other and any flat surface.
• Let the expressive personality of this deceptively simple toy come alive as you explore innovative ways to connect and pose this stretchy character.
• Possibly the perfect car trip toy, oogi bongo sticks easily to car windows, plastic car seats and each other for miles of engaging, stimulating fun.
• PVC, Phthalate and BPA free, oogi Jr is teething-safe and easy to clean.
• 4.5 x 2 x 4.5 inches
Ages 3+
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