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    Expert sensory solutions™

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  • Fulfilling special needs™

    at home, work & school!

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  • We're All Sensory Kids...Catering to all ages

    Embracing Neurodiversity, Serving adults with ADHD, ASD, PTSD

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Therapist Picks

Discover some of our partnering therapists' 2020 top picks for new gear for clinics and for home.
For Clinics 

Teacher's Helpers

We love helping teachers create inclusive classrooms. Check out these fresh sensory solutions.
For School

Customer Favorites

Don't take our word for it... See what other customers think gives them the most bang for their buck!
For Home

Our Commitment

The Sensory Kids® Store is committed to embracing the differences among us and fulfilling special needs simply™ by providing the right expert sensory solutions for individuals, caregivers, teachers, schools & professionals worldwide.

What They Say

Contact Us

For more information about our services and the products we offer, please contact us directly at 847-920-4708 or by email at info@sensorykidstore.com.