Out of Frustration Came Inspiration

Out of Frustration Came Inspiration

Posted by adminMay 10, 2012

Ellen Sternweiler could tell the 8-year-old girl didn’t feel comfortable. The girl, with her younger sister and her parents, had come into The Sensory Kids® Store at Bellybum Boutique shortly after it opened. The mother told Sternweiler the girl showed signs of sensory issues, but was otherwise undiagnosed. “I said to her, ‘You know what, this store is for you. You can walk around and touch and feel. It’s all cool, fun stuff,” Sternweiler recalls. “After a few minutes, they are rolling around the store. Her daughter was happy, really digging it. ”The moment is affirmation for Sternweiler—a mother of three, all with developmental difficulties—who opened The Sensory Kids® Store in late 2011

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